- Personalized Healing
- Reiki Training
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- Personalized Healing
- Reiki Training

- Personalized Healing
- Reiki Training
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- Personalized Healing
- Reiki Training

Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 7:00-8:30 p.m. EST (via Zoom), $25
There is no denying that life is stressful, and often overwhelming. There are many things pulling and pushing us in different directions; and slowing down for self-care takes a back seat.
For many, Reiki is a way of dealing with the problems of life, when sh*t happens, and we get off center. But meeting with a Reiki practitioner means leaving the house, takes time, and becomes another thing to fit into already too busy schedules.
But what if you could experience the benefits of Reiki from your living room?
During this RELAX WITH REIKI Group Session you’ll experience a safe container and sacred space for yourself, to sit in quiet, while being guided through simple and easy-to-follow relaxation techniques to quiet the mind and soothe the body.
“RELAX WITH REIKI was something I was interested in because I have two young children, and the stress of managing them, as well as working full time can leave me feeling very scattered.
I joined a session of RELAX WITH REIKI, and Andrea was SO calming, nurturing, and I felt so peaceful. I have meditated before, but something about this guided Zoom call made me feel like I had a sense of community.
Honestly… I loved the whole experience so much that when the kids went to bed, my husband and I sat down together, and did it again! He had never meditated before, and we both got amazing sleep afterwards. I can’t wait to join in the next session!”
- Sadie Clements, 33, from Kansas
What is Reiki and does it even work?
Reiki is a Japanese healing modality that is used for stress reduction and deep relaxation, spiritual development and personal growth. Rooted in the belief to make “whole,” Reiki addresses the body, mind and spirit. Its main purpose is to promote balance and well-being.
Studies have shown that the immune system can be boosted through mindfulness, meditation, and touch. (Self) Touch is healing and helps regulate digestion, sleep and boosts the immune system.
Benefits of Reiki
Reiki recipients and practitioners have reported many positive shifts, such as:
A more positive outlook on life
A better ability to deal with anxiety and stress
Decreased pain
Improved sleep
Increased focus and concentration
More gratitude and compassion for themselves and others
A sense of balance in their lives
If these are things that you could benefit from in your life, be sure to join us for this free masterclass.
Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 7:00-8:30 p.m. EST (via Zoom), $25
Copyright Thrive Reiki, LLC, 2024
Thrive Reiki, LLC
Thrive Reiki, LLC