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A Different Approach

By Andrea Kartika Deierlein

February 27, 2019

“Stress can destroy much more than just our physical health. Too often, it eats away at our hope, belief, and faith.” - Charles F. Glassman


Around this time last year, I met an executive who seemed to have it all. But he was desperate. He had worked with physical trainers, Yoga and Pilates teachers, bodyworkers, and therapists on a weekly basis for years, but nothing could help him stop his racing mind. When I came to his house, he was, at first, very skeptical. Yet, his mind drove him crazy, so much so that he was considering shock therapy. After 15 minutes on the table and into the session, he fell asleep, and stayed asleep for the next 75 minutes. He couldn’t believe that he was able to relax and experience relief.
Often, we don’t even notice how stressed we are. We have just gotten used to it. It’s how life is. Even when a person has all the resources for a comfortable life, it doesn’t mean that s/he is not tortured by thoughts and emotions on the inside. For many years, I was one of those walking zombies on Metro North going into the City at 8 a.m., returning 12 or more hours later. I was exhausted, drained, and nasty. To get through the days I fueled myself with caffeine and sugar. To deal with the physical pain of all this tension and stress, I popped pain killers like candy. No wonder that I couldn’t sleep and developed a chronically inflamed esophagus, grinding my teeth until some of them broke. During that time one of my colleagues offered to share Reiki with me at our lunchbreak. To be honest, I didn’t think much of it and didn’t feel anything. It wasn’t until years later that I was re-introduced to Reiki, gave it a try again, and experience the relaxation and relief I desperately needed. It took several sessions, but once my body could recover from all the tension and pain, my mind became clearer, and I realized that all this time I had been working against myself, instead of with myself.
Now, for almost four years, Reiki has been my lifesaver, what keeps me sane and well every day. My doctor even declared me “super healthy” after my recent physical. For all the people who have or had the courage to give Reiki and me a try, thank you. May you also experience relaxation and relief to be(come) healthy.