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Stop Sweat the Small Stuff

By Andrea Kartika Deierlein

August 6, 2020

What a week! What a year!
I hope you and your loved ones are safe, well – and WITH POWER.
Thank Goodness, we were only out for 4 hours after Hurricane Isaias hit. But it sure made me appreciate even more what we have - and what matters.
While the winds raged and the power lines came down close to street level, I was grateful for the roof over my head. Yet, I couldn’t help but think how fragile life is and how vulnerable we are.

It made me realize that it’s time to STOP sweat the small stuff.


PEACE is an achievement.
We have a choice every day. Every moment even.
In our hyper-aroused and over-stimulated society, it’s easy to get distracted and swept away from what matters. Without a hurricane shaking our houses or a virus locking us down.
As we're getting back on track, STOP.
Slow down. Often.
Ask yourself: “What do I need NOW?”

Regardless at what life throws at us, we have a CHOICE.
You can choose where your attention goes...
Remember: Energy flows where the attention goes...

May you have PEACE, LOVE and CALM, today and every day!