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The Grace of Gratitude

By Andrea Kartika Deierlein

November 23, 2021

'Tis the season for stress levels to skyrocket. When gathering with family and friends, in real-life or in a Zoom room, buttons may get pushed, triggers may get triggered, and feelings may explode.

There never seems to be time to just be, catch a breath, let alone honor your own needs. 

It’s no surprise that people tend to focus on what's going wrong during this time – rather than notice what's going well. 

It’s so easy to get sucked into analyzing what (or who) needs to be fixed or changed. Judgment and criticism towards yourself and others may go rampant. Questions and ideas are spinning in the head - until it feels like all thoughts have spiraled into one tangled-up mess. 

You may worry a great deal of what could go wrong, must be done, can't wait; while moving further away from noticing, nurturing, or enjoying all the things that already work smoothly and effortlessly. 

Yet, a simple act of gratitude can provide the opportunity to bring attention and appreciation to what is. Expressing gratitude can be a tool for anchoring yourself in the here and now. It's an invitation not to follow the mind's dizzying ride into the past or into the future. 

When people develop a sense and skill of appreciation in everyday life, things begin to shift. It's a chance to let go of the ideals of perfection, of all the if-onlys... if only... if only... if only...

Don't if-only of what-if your life away.

Instead, right now, this very moment, allow yourself to recognize the positive and the beautiful. You will see there are plenty of things to notice.

Terima Kasih is Thank You in Indonesian. It also means to receive grace. Every time you give thanks, you also receive grace.

Life is precious. Your life deserves your attention. Start by paying attention to what is well this very moment. Then take a moment to give thanks. And open yourself to the gift of receiving grace. 

About Andrea Deierlein & Thrive Reiki:

I'm a Reiki professional, who specializes in stress regulation and resilience building, so you can gracefully navigate life’s challenges and live your truth. Let’s get to know each other and connect with me on LinkedIn or Instagram @andreadeierlein.

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