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Redefining Self-Care

By Andrea Kartika Deierlein

May 31, 2019

Can you believe that it is almost the end of the first half of 2019? How has the year been treating you so far?
Last week I shared some advice on how to (re)gain focus. Today, I’d like to remind you of the importance of self-care. Self-care is not just about pampering yourself. It’s about putting yourself and your priorities first. Self-care is so much more than taking a bubble bath or indulging in a massage or Reiki session once every blue moon, it’s a daily habit that needs to include the following in order for you to (re)gain and maintain your sanity:

  • Saying no, so you can say yes to what and who matters to you.
  • Asking for help. You will be surprised how willingly most people give a helping hand.
  • Spending time alone. Just with yourself. Without the phone clutched in your hand.
  • Setting boundaries to protect your attention, time and energy, our most valuable resources.

Yes, our attention, time, and energy are our most valuable resources. Unfortunately, time is not something we can get back. But we can adjust our focus and how we spend our attention. And we can definitely get our energy back when we are depleted. Through rest, relaxation, and Reiki. Starting today, let’s look at relaxation as an opportunity for the body to repair and rejuvenate itself, not as another chore on our never-ending to-do-lists. Let me know if you need help tapping into your relaxation response.
Have a great weekend!