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How to (Re-)Gain Focus

By Andrea Kartika Deierlein

May 24, 2019

When life gets blurry, adjust your focus.

During my recent visit to Germany, I had a lot of opportunities for walks and reflection. I took the time to think about what and who are important in my life, the goals I’d like to achieve, and how I can be of better service. As soon as I returned to my life and work in White Plains, my whirlwind of busy-ness swept me off my feet again. So today, I took a Focus Friday. I sat down with sheets of paper, colored Sharpies, and created lists of all the projects and tasks that are on my plate and on my mind. Then I transferred them onto my online calendar, making adjustments as needed, mindful that I am only human and can only do so much.
One of the biggest challenges in my clients' lives is the ability to remain focused and have clarity. It's so easy to get distracted and follow where the to-do-lists and emotions take us. But you have a choice. It starts with knowing your priorities, what's important and what isn't, and then stay the course. The path will follow. But to begin, you first need to become aware. And to do that you need stillness. Maybe this holiday weekend you can sneak some stillness in too, perhaps even take a walk, and think about what and who are important in your life. Enjoy!