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How to ease into September

By Andrea Kartika Deierlein

August 28, 2019

September can be a month that can suck us right into over-scheduling, overstimulation, overburden and overwhelm again. But before overwhelm can get the better of you, remember to slow down.

I know this feels counter-intuitive, especially as things begin to pile up. But when you slow down, take a few moments to breathe, you can (re-)gain your focus and find clarity.
Write a list of what needs to be done and prioritize. Make sure to include yourself and your self-care in your schedule (read about my four foundations of self-care here). Take a moment to tune in, examine your thoughts, actions and reactions to certain situations. Listen to your gut feeling, your intuition, your inner GPS.
To listen means to become silent – and that’s the most difficult part… believe me I know, because before Reiki came into my life I couldn’t even sit still. But becoming silent doesn’t mean that you have to sit in meditation in a sound-proof environment or stop your mind from wandering. Maybe it’s listening to your favorite song, maybe it’s going for a walk (even if it’s only around the block), maybe it’s turning on the do not disturb function on your phone for a little while.

Find what helps you slow down and your version of silent, so that you can listen to what’s important for you and what you need.

Here's to a smooth transition into September!